Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Alynna's Dedication

Within the Christian/Evangelical faith we dedicate our babies, as opposed to baptism or christening. Dedication is standing before the church family, explaining that we're promising to raise our children in the Lord, and praying. This past Sunday we dedicated Alynna. Many of our closest family members were there, Alynna's "catcher" Christy, and our small group were there to support us in our efforts. After Brad told the church what it meant to us to dedicate our baby he prayed over her and then Kaeley prayed before our pastor closed us in prayer. Kaeley's prayer was very cute. I wish I could have taped it. Brad reminded her ahead of time that the prayer was for Alynna, because he was sure she'd start the prayer, "Dear God, thank you for this food..." She remembered and ended up asking God two or three times to help people like Alynna. It was very sweet and from her heart. I was proud of her, because she was infront of a whole heck of a lot of people.
After service we met at my mom's house for lunch. We had a great time being around those who love and support us. The kids played, the adults ate and laughed and ate some more, and Alynna slept through most of it. We now have tons of food leftover!
It was such a long day that Alynna crashed at 6:30pm and had a normal night of waking two or three times. Kaeley and Nathan were asleep by 8:00pm. It was quite amusing to me to see how exhausted they all were.

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