Friday, March 13, 2009

Alynna's Six Months

Shut my mouth and paint me red! My infant is no longer an infant! My half a year just flew right no by. Alynna is now sitting up by herself, but she's pretty wobbly, so I always put a pillow behind her just in case. She likes the typical baby toys and will reach for them and put them directly in her mouth. It's so much fun having this little dumpling cheek in the house! I just can't get enough of her! Well, at night time I'm not complaining, but I wouldn't mind seeing less of her in those wee hours of the morning. She wakes up twice a night to eat, but will go back to sleep, so I'm okay with that for now. She's still a bit cautious when Nathan's around, but that's because he likes to sit on her likes she's a horse and has been known to use her as a stool when Mommy's back is turned. Alynna thinks Kaeley is hilarious. Kaeley can just about look at her and Alynna will, if in the right mood, fly off into a fit of laughter. It can get quite loud in the house when the girls are doing their thing, but I can't bring myself to stop the joy.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

She is adorable!!