Miss Olivia's Tea House
On Saturday Kaeley, Alynna, and I attended the most interesting and eclectic birthday party we've ever attended. It was for another five year old. It was held at Miss Olivia's Tea House. This place was a small business dripping with girliness. There were silk pink roses hanging from the ceiling, porcelin dolls, dresses and shoes for the children to dress up in (ties and vests and hats for the young men in the party), pink Christmas tree for the birthday gifts, a heart shaped dining table, and so on and so forth. The girls got to pick out their outfit of choice for the duration of the party, get their make up, hair, and fingernails done, and have pink lemonade and fingerfoods. The place was so odd that there were things on the wall for children and adults to look out, including interactive Disney pictures, Elvis busts that talk, and a talking deer head wearing a tiera! It was quite an amusing experience. Now guess there Kaeley wants to celebrate her sixth birthday that is only ten months away?
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