Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Needs a Star Wars 101

            I remember when I was resting after Alynna’s birth. Brad was on full-time daddy-duty and used the opportunity to feed the kids junk and introduce him to his childhood love… Star Wars. It’s been three years and Nathan now knows what guns and space ships belong to which movie. He even knows if this is number three and so on. I don’t even know that!
            Yesterday he used his usual really loud voice to ask the librarian to help him find the Star Wars books. She showed him to the display and offered him a book. She probably thought handing him a book would answer his question and the loud little boy would stop disturbing the library. Wrong. “No. That is number three. Do you have the book that has the…” and then he went on to describe in detail some star ship with this and that and what not. He came home with three Star Wars books.
            That’s impressive, right? Yeah. I thought so too. That is until I heard him at lunch that day tell Kaeley, “Yes! He is the one who tells Luke, ‘Come to the dark side of the forest, Luke!’.” Then this morning he takes out the number whatever book and tells Kaeley, “This is number (Mommy has no clue). It is the fight of the clowns.”
            It’s been a three year education of Star Wars and my son has failed!
            Or has he. :)

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