Saturday, November 26, 2011

Simon is Eight Months Old!

Simon is very happy to be turning eight months old. I think he can tell he's matured. It might be that he's already in size 12 months clothes that has tipped him off. It could be that he feels that fifth tooth coming in! Whatever it is we are all very thankful and excited to have an eight month old in the house.

The boy has super-hero abilities to get by on very little sleep.  I've thought, in the wee hours of the morning, what I could cal him if he were a super hero. Maybe Sleepless Simon. Or Night Boy. I would be a great arch-enemy too, but my villain name has already been taken... Grumpy. :) No, it isn't that bad. I've learned to get by on pretty little sleep these days. I can still get school done and have learned not to use my sleepiness as an excuse for bad behavior. It's hard to get up in the morning and I might need a little snooze in the day time, but I can hold out pretty well. I give the glory to God for that. When I am weak He is strong.

Isn't he sweet? He loves being around  his siblings. Even they aren't playing directly with him he likes playing in the same room they are. He loves Kaeley and being held by her. He is very active. He loves exploring and crawling and eating paper he finds on the floor. I have to make sure the front door is close at all time otherwise he'll crawl out the front door. 

Our little Simon. How happy we are that he's part of our family. He's such a sweetie pie. But beware... he bites!

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