Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Eve

This was the first year in our ten years that Christmas Eve wasn't spent with family. This is the first years I could start a family tradition of our own and look forward to to it all year. Our kids could talk about what they did on Christmas Eve for years to come. Well, the pressure of finding the perfect tradition stumped me to the max. The most creative thought I had... Christmas Eve service at church, In-N-Out on the way home, and picnic dinner in front of a movie. I just couldn't think of anything else! It felt lame and irreverent, but that's what I had.
At church other families talked of their traditions of spaghetti and ethnic dishes and so on. Burgers and a movie. Sigh.
Well, so the idea wasn't very creative. The kids had fun watching "Elf" and I didn't have to do dishes or clean up anything besides shaking out a blanket. I still might spend the year thinking of something better to do. 
For a while this was the way Nathan had to watch the movie.

Simon is still learning this whole solids thing. He's not a huge fan. He seems pretty  picky about textures.  On Christmas Eve he enjoyed some very water carrots... through a straw. He's the most he's ever eaten. Did he sleep through the night? No! What? Did he think it was Christmas for Mommy or something?

1 comment:

Christine said...

Burgers and a movie is probably something the children love and will remember fondly.