Thursday, January 12, 2012

Simon Finally Likes Baths

I turn the water on full blast. Children behind me start stripping clothes. Alynna is usually yelling that she wants a bubble bath. Nathan then yells that he wants a "plain bath". Kaeley always makes sure that she is getting a shower. Midst the yelling, shouting, and stripping I hear the slapping and thumping of little hands and knees coming my way. Here comes the baby. He holds on to the side of the bath tub as I wash hair and fill the tub. He kicks his leg like a happy canine. I wonder if this will be "the time". When I'm done with the two bathers I take off the baby's clothes. He still kicks and looks on in interest. In the naked baby goes. As soon as a toe touches the water he's screaming and thrashing to get out. I quickly wash him. I'm always amazed that the once curious and amused baby is now a very unhappy little soul.

When Simon was sick with his nasty cold I took a bath with him. He loved it. Last week, after I had finished the bathers I looked down on the happy little tot standing on dry land and splashing his hand in the water. I thought, "Well, he'll scream, but here we go." I stripped him naked. While he's in mid air Alynna says, "He's gonna scream, Mommy!" The toe touched. Then the ankle. Then he was in! He liked it!

He's been a fan of baths ever since! I have to hold onto his torso due to his constant wiggling. He'll splash until I don't have to give him a shower. It's been a nice change of events.

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