Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kaeley Turns Eight Years Old

The following is an interview I did Kaeley in celebration of her birthday.
Mom: What do you wish your name was?
Kaeley: Susan, because I think it's pretty.
Mom: What is your favorite thing to learn about?
Kaeley: History, because I like learning about new people and it's exciting.
Mom: What is your favorite book?
Kaeley: The Magician's Nephew, because it's a book about God.
Mom: What is your favorite food?
Kaeley: Hot dogs, because (here she leans over to whisper) it's not good for you! heeheehee
Mom: What do you like to do with your free time?
Kaeley: Knit, Play with Littlest Pet Shops. Play with my brothers and sisters.
Mom: What is your favorite day of the week?
Kaeley: Saturday, because I have lots of free time.
Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Kaeley: Explorer.
Mom: Why?
Kaeley: Because... they explore! Yes! It has lots of exciting things like the tropical rain forest and the world is full of new things! You want to see new things so you can make books and tell other people what it's like!
Mom: What would you do with a million dollars?
Kaeley: Spend it on Pillow Pets. All Pillow Pets and nothing else!

She's my little gift. She's precociousness. She's goofy. She likes to hum at all times. She is wonderful with Simon. She's a huge help to me. She is generous with her time in help of us. How I love her! How I get frustrated with her! But how I love that little girl! She's is unique. She is my old soul.
She always seems so grown up to me until a birthday passes. Now I look back at seven and think, "Oh no! What did I do!?! She was just a baby!" 

Just to put it in perspective here she is at one month.

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