Monday, July 5, 2010

Adventure to the Tide Pools

Today we explored the tide pools with some good friends of ours. We didn't make it in time for the super low tide, but what we had worked. We still got to see lots of crabs and anemones. I had a blast crawling around on the rocks.
We walked back up to the car, got our lunches, and walked along the road to the jet of land you see in the picture of us all walking down the hill. We ate lunch at that park.
Nathan started complaining about not feeling well a few minutes before we left the house. We decided to go out anyway and play the day by ear. Sure enough, he was very sluggish for our outing. He ended up falling asleep through all of lunch. Poor thing. He was just sick last month, so I thought we were done with all the sickies for a while. Here we go round again.
It was a very lovely day. I can't wait to do it again with the right tide level. Poor Nathan. Please keep him in your prayers.

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