Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kaeley's Travels from Nathan's Memory

Since Kaeley left on Tuesday morning Nathan has known she was in Florida. Although I was expecting him to express jealousy or some show of displeasure, he has been great with it. He actually countered that he was going to South America in a helicopter. That shouldn't be too impressive since he's been telling us for weeks that he lives in South America. America. South America. Tomato. Let's call the whole thing off.
However this morning he changed his tune. While standing in line at the grocery store he said, "Kaeley is in Albania!" I said, "Albania?" He answered in the affirmative. She was in Albania. When he gets bigger he's going to Albania. I told him he's going to have to be a missionary or a soldier or something to get all this traveling in. He said that, yes, he was going to be a "wissionwary".

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