Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Fresh Start ~ Kaeley is Baptized

On Sunday night Kaeley was baptized! Baptism is a public show of our devotion to Christ as our savior. A couple of months ago Kaeley said the "sinner's prayer" after it really hit her that she needed a Savior. This year she stood up in front of the church to give her testimony of why she chose to be baptized. There were about fifty others getting baptized that night. She did a great job. You could tell she was a little nervous standing in front of all those people, but she did so good! You can see how happy she is after she was immersed in the water. She jumped up and ran out of the water so fast I could barely catch her for a hug!
The night was fun. We ate good food, fellowshipped with friends and family, and the kids waded in the water. Nathan participated in the games. What a happy little spirit that boy is! He was standing in line with a bunch of other older people. The MC was explaining how to play the game and that little boy of ours shot out of ranks to start running as the MC had directed. His excitement and dedication to the game was too cute!

PS. Grannie and Papi, we missed you, but we knew you were supporting Kaeley in spirit. The Saavedras and Ebersoles were there in body to support us, so rest assured we had a good team around as we await your return.

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