Monday, August 22, 2011

The Six Hour Drive

This week the whole family headed to Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park. I was so excited. I've wanted to see these massive trees since I was probably Kaeley's age. Due to the large amount of luggage and items we needed to camp for four days and three nights with six people, we borrowed my father-in-law's large truck. That's why Simon is up front with us. Isn't he too cute?!? I thought he would be a breeze to drive with. He's usually happy. Plus, since he could see Daddy and I I thought for sure he'd be the easiest to travel with. Well... no. I guess seeing Mommy and Daddy and no one is picking you up is rather an upsetting scream. The boy yelled/cried for much of the drive both to and from. I tried everything. I gave him keys, water bottles, balled up pages of paper, baby carrots to gnaw on, and I even turned on a Sesame Street episode from my iPod to buy a little time. Nope. It was mostly just grin and bear it. But we got there.
There's also a picture of our kids eating a picnic lunch at a grummy little gas station. They're happily eating chicken while picking out their favorite trucks that pass by.

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