Thursday, September 22, 2011

Alynna is Three!!! And one week... and two days.

Okay, so I'm a little behind. Anyway, here she is... a whopping three years old! She is spunky! She is full of life and sass! She is girly! She is Alynna, our light bearer.
When I did her interview Nathan was nearby, so I had to add in his answers as well, because it was they were funny.
Me: What is your favorite color?
Alynna: Pink!
Me: What is your favorite book?
Alynna: Ariel! (This is a cheesy Disney book she checked out from the library last week. We've seen a lot of it.)
Me: Are you going to get married when you get older?
Alynna nods and says: I can do belly dance! (Maybe we'll be able to save on the wedding entertainment?)
Me: Who do you think you'll marry?
Alynna: You! (How cute is that? It made my heart melt.)
Nathan: No! You can't marry Mommy. You have to marry a boy!
Alynna: I wear my Tangled dress! (The "Tangled" dress is a dress-up dress from the movie that her grandparents bought for her birthday, so now we'll save on the wedding dress as well. I need a hope chest for this little planner of ours.)
Me: What is your favorite activity?
Alynna: To read!
Me: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Alynna: With YOU! (How cute is that again!?! She then said something about us dancing, but I wasn't paying attention after that great answer of hers!)
Nathan then reminds Alynna that she's three.
Me: What's your favorite food?
Alynna: Bread! (I think she's a carb-girl. Just like her mother, poor thing.)
Nathan then says his favorite food is Yeeshack and Abegano. He starts telling me the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. My three year old wants to travel the world with me and the four year old feasts on the Word of God. Can life get any better?
Me: If you were to change your name what would it be?
Alynna: Princess Tangled!
Me: Why does God love you? (I wanted a tricky question that would stump her and give us a funny answer.)
Alynna: Because Him want to. (Wow! I'm impressed! Okay, next tricky question!)
Me: Why is the sky blue?
Alynna: Because it want to.
Me: But why?
Alynna: Because it is blue!
Me: But why is it blue?
Alynna: Because I like blue!

So there she is in a nutshell. The little romantic is already for her wedding, can answer deep theological questions, and knows the world revolves around her. Why else would the sky be blue, but because it's her favorite color?

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