Monday, September 26, 2011

Simon is Half a Year Old!

Six months already! On one hand it feels as though the time has flown. On the other it feels as though he's always been part of the family. What a little joy he is! He's become quite a little stinker in his old age though. He isn't as easy to get to nap. He will often fall asleep in my Baby Hawk and then I'll transfer him to bed. So it's not so obvious to put him to bed, but oh well. I think I've matured at a mother to know there's worse things in life than holding a baby while he sleeps. So he doesn't fall asleep in a way that's always convenient to me, oh well. One day it will have been long passed and I'll look back on these days with affection.
No, he isn't on solids yet. I did give him a little swipe of avocado the other day, but he licked his chops and then sat there and smiled at everyone with the chunk of green just hanging on his lip. It was kind of funny. He obviously didn't know what to do with the stuff. Avocado or not he's a healthy boy weighing at about twenty pounds.
He is an expert at sitting up now, but he's still working on crawling. He still scoots and travels around a lot. He loves being around other people, especially Mommy, Daddy, and Big Sister Kaeley.

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