Saturday, October 29, 2011

Simon is Seven Months Old

This month... what happened to this month? Well, last month Simon learned to crawl. Within a week of him making progress in the crawling he learned to pul himself up on furniture. Problem is he didn't know how to get down. The little guy needed a helmet before he knew how to walk! He's recently improved, so the bumps still happen, but not as often.
He's just recently started eating solids. I tried around the six month mark and just wasn't into them. He's still not sucking them down or anything. but it's a start.
Last week he actually slept in a four hour stretch one night. That's the longest stretch he's ever slept EVER! I really enjoyed it until I realized it was because he was sick. I don't know what exactly happened, but he got the hives. The poor thing woke up with a pimple-looking thing on his cheek and a few bumps here and there. By the late afternoon he was covered in hives. He was in good spirits, but looked horrible. The next day it was still there and got worse again at night. Can you tell I've never had a baby break out in hives. I think I was suffering more than he was.
He's my little joy. I could just eat him!

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