Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Police Station

It is a family tradition to bring baked goodies to those who faithfully put their lives on the line to protect us and keep our community running. We've done the fire station a couple of times, our local police department once, and the local military office twice. Last week we brought goodies to the fire department and lucked out! (This is a shout out to Uncle Billy... Hi Uncle Billy!) In the past the men have been very good to us and have showed us around the garage. This year, however, their schedule was pretty open, so we got a full-back-scene tour of the department! I learned a load! For example, I asked how they were able to use their leisure time. We learned that they are required to study, go to training, or check engines during the day. It wasn't until past seven in the evening when they were allowed to turn on TV or just mess around. I got to turn to Kaeley, place a hand on her shoulder, and say lovingly, "See? School never ends. Welcome to life." :) We got to see the garage, the trucks, and upstairs where and how they lived. We even got to be there for a call-in and see the engine leave with sirens blaring. When asked if Kaeley was in school I was blessed enough to answer, "Yes. You're it today!"

So today we visited the police. A friend from church gave me her husband's contact information. It just so happens her husband is in the public relations office, so his specialty right now is tours. We got to see everything! The kids played in cars, turned on the sirens, talked on the intercom, sat in the lap of the supervisor over the dispatch, were fed cupcakes and lollipops, and even see the shooting range. I think the only thing we didn't get to do was fire a gun for ourselves. However, leave it to my girly girl (the three year old in all pink today) to pick up the loose shells from the range floor and bring home four targets. As long as they don't use the parents faces on the targets I'm good!

Kaeley was still happy to tell our friend's husband, the police lieutenant, that she would rather be a fire woman. We did catch her fancy for a moment though when she heard, "That's just the detective department." She piped up, "Detectives? Can I see one?" She didn't think detectives were real. The only ones she'd heard of was Nancy Drew and Tin Tin. I thought we'd win her over, but I guess the sight of all the cubicles wasn't as exciting as she would have thought. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mary says, "Where ARE they Mommy? It doesn't look really safe!" :D