Saturday, December 31, 2011

Simon is Nine Months Old!

Here is my little pride and joy. Nine months old. Here he is signing the only sign he knows: all done. He uses this a lot. I try to feed him food and after a couple of bites he'll sign all done. Sometimes I can tell him how cute he is and then keep feeding him, but it's rare. Speaking of food, he is so different from the other three kids. I thought women who bought jar baby food were crazy. Why spend $0.89 on a jar of carrots when you can spend twice that on a huge bag of carrots and make a case full of baby food? It always seemed silly to me. Well, this little guy eats pretty much only jarred food and rice cereal. In a typical day he might make it through one jar of food. Maybe. I keep hoping to stuff him full of food so he'll sleep longer. It never fails, too, the time I can enjoy the rare night he'll eat a lot of food and he'll STILL wake up several times a night! I think he's gassy sometimes if he eats too much. Obviously you can tell from his girth that he suffers from hunger not.
Isn't he just the cutest!?! We'll get that silly smile from him sometimes when he's in an extra good mood. He's also very hammy when the camera comes out. He still tells his "joke". He'll gasp in his breath making a huge sound like a horn. He'll then look around for someone to laugh with. He and Alynna will do that together until she can't breath from the laughter. He's just now beginning to give kisses too, which can bring me to my knees in love.

He's one of our cuddliest babies. So he doesn't sleep well, but when he does sleep he sleeps best when in someone's arms. How we trained him into that I don't remember, but when I can remember that this time will go by fast I cuddle in closer. The other night I shed a few tears as a character on a movie miscarried her third baby. That night I went to sleep for about ten minutes before Simon woke me up. I pulled him into bed with me and cuddled him and sucked him in. How I loved kissing on his face. This little boy that almost wasn't. How we suffered those two losses and then rejoice in our four health children.
Yes, sleep is precious and precious little these days. I haven't slept through the night in a year. I haven't slept more than four hours at one time since he was born and THAT happened because he was drugged up on Benadryl. Can you believe it? Four hours was the most he's ever slept at one time and it was because he was on medication? How I was "blessed" with a non-sleeper when I have three other children to take care of I'm not sure. However, Brad and I do love cuddling with him and are very much connected to our cutie.

He now has seven teeth! After breaking teeth through those little gums of his pretty much back to back, it's slowed to a stand still. No new teeth that we can see. He will sometimes bite if the kids get too close. He bit my neck once quite hard and I complained about it out loud. Kaeley, who is always quick with the parenting advice, said cheerfully, "Oh, Mommy, he's just giving you a kiss!" That evening she was bit on the finger. She was in tears. It took a bit of control not to say, "Oh Kaeley, it's just a baby kiss!" :)

This is another thing he likes to do. He'll crawl around the floor with something hanging from his mouth. I like to whistle at him sometimes while calling for the little puppy dog.
The said boy is now screaming for me, so that's the end of the blog posting.

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