Saturday, February 11, 2012

Aquarium of the Pacific

We're proud owners, once again, of annual passes to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Highlights of this particular trip: 1.) Certain creatures are either hiding most of the time or just sitting at the bottom of the tanks. This visit we got to see the sea turtle swimming and the octopus made an appearance! 2.) When Nathan wanted to tell me something about a certain fish in a tank he would say, "You know, the fish that swims like this..." Then he would move into the middle of the aisle and start dancing around to the fish swimming. He would wiggle his hips and open his puckered lips like a fish. He was funny. 3.) We visited the exhibit about water shed. You can push a button to make it rain on a model of the Los Angeles basin. Nathan had a great time pushing the buttons. I turned my back for a second only to find Nathan trying to crawl on top of the model! I yelled, "What do you think you're doing!?!" He said, "Well, I wanted a drink! Alynna's getting a drink!" I turn to the small pool of water that represents the ocean and Alynna's got her head in the water guzzling down a drink of refreshing recycled aquarium water!
Sigh. Why I leave the house I'm just not sure.

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