Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kaeley's Confession

Nobody tell Kaeley I said anything about this, please. I just thought it was so sweet I had to share. Last Wednesday we went to Bible study. The kids usually watch a movie. That night we got home and Kaeley found some time to edge close to me. She started holding my hand and hemming and hawing. She said, "Um Mommy... tonight we watched a movie with a boy who got mad and said he wished he didn't have a mommy." At this point she couldn't look at me any more. She got teary eyed. She looked away. She began stroking my hair, which she never does. She said, "Well. Um... When I was... When I was four I used to wish I didn't have a mommy. I used to say you were a rotten mommy and a bad mommy." At this point I was trying not to smile. Four years old? Try yesterday! Joking. I also remember being a kid and knowing I was an innocent child with devil parents. I know the feeling. I would never tell her that though. I tell her what I know now. "When my parents disciplined me I always said thank you for doing what you think is right."
Anyway. She goes on to tell me that not only did she think I was a rotten mommy, but she used to list all the things she could do if only she didn't have a mommy. I remember her at that age. I was sure that I could rent an apartment for her and visit her when it was time to do laundry.
Through tears she admitted that she sees now how much she does need a mother. Who would make her food in the morning? Through sobs she wailed, "Now I know, who would make us good dinners?" She gave up her  heart-filled apology for ever thinking she didn't need a mommy. I, of course, accepted and said I understand.
Now I'm glad I have job security. What would have happened if she didn't like my cooking? Would she think, "That boy has a point. Who needs a mommy when we have McDonald's?"
I make jokes, but it was very sweet to see her so convicted.

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