Saturday, February 25, 2012

STOP! He's Eleven Months Old!

Our little activity turned eleven months old today. Kaeley and I both really upset about it. Kaeley has told him to stop sleeping, because then he'll stop growing. I tried to take that perfect monthly picture, but he was so active that it was difficult. That's why I have lots of other random pictures on the post. I wanted to show you the effort we took.
Simon is by far the shortest napper of the four children. My other kids were two to three hour nappers a day. Simon's naps are about half of that. But after so many months of no naps or too many naps, no sleep at night to restless nights, I'm thankful for the shorter naps and finally the better nights. He still wakes up on average three times a night. We've pulled him into bed with us, because it's the surest way for me to get rest. That's better after almost a year!
His eczema is also much better! It just cleared up a couple of days ago. He's almost as soft as a baby's bottom. :) That's after two hazel wood necklaces, half a jar of coconut oil, a start of almond oil, and maybe a weather change. It's nice to stroke his legs and not feel patches of sand paper.
He is quite the jokester. He gets that from his daddy. :) He likes making jokes and soaking in all the laughter. The only difference between him and Brad and is that Simon doesn't laugh at his own jokes.
He doesn't walk yet, but is working on it. He's learning.
Simon also loves being outside. I think if we had a backyard I would just place him on the grass in the morning and call him in for meals. Kaeley, his second mother, takes him outside sometimes. She is an excellent older sister. He likes swings, crawling, eating sand, watching children play, going on walks in the stroller, etc.
We're trying to move on to finger foods, which means the dining room floor is always sticky. The trick is, I've learned from Brad, to always wear shoes in the house. Then you can see it, but you can't feel it. It is rather embarrassing when the other children walk into the kitchen to tell you something, but have to stop talking so they can pick something off the bottom of their feet, and throw it away in the trashcan. Yuck. I shouldn't have told you all that. Okay, next month I'll have the lies prepared. (My kitchen is always sparkling clean and smells of fresh baked bread. etc.)
PS. He still has blue eyes.

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