Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ach! My Son is One!

My sweet baby turned one on Sunday! What a blessing he is! He's what I call our "bonus baby". It was fun thinking of all that happened one year ago to the day. It was a sheer joy remembering how he was named Simon and his amazing birth story.
This little guy would be happy to be outside at all time if he could. He likes to sit on our walkway right out the front door. I  have to keep a keen eye on him though, because he will often make a run for it and head for the stairs. He's still not a big sleeper. I've recently realized that he shouldn't nap longer than half an hour, because he will easily be up with the adults until almost ten o'clock at night. He'll climb. He'll mess up everything I've already put away. He'll wear me out until he crashes at a quarter till my own bedtime! None of my other kids were like that. They can still take long naps during the day and not be too bothered at night.
Simon is incredibly active. He climbs, empties out, runs towards... he actually takes bites and chews board books for crying out loud! He is our earliest walker at eleven months old.
He certainly gives us a run for our money, but what a pleasure it is to know him. What a pleasure it is to look back at the broken hearts of lost pregnancies and see this little sleepless face climbing a ladder while chewing cardboard books.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

He is such a cutie! It's a tough age when those babies are trying to be independent and getting into everything, but those beautiful smiles make it all worth it!