Thursday, March 1, 2012

California Science Center

I couldn't take it any more! I just HAD to go on a field trip! I've missed the adventures and hands-on learning. The kids and I visited the California Science Center. Since we were by ourselves we got to spend lots of time learning at the different exhibits. Plus I've learned that if you can go to a destination after lunch time we'll miss most of the large school trips.

I put Simon in the carrier on my back. It was pretty obvious he wasn't sleepy. No, he wanted to LEARN! Whenever we stopped at an exhibit I could feel his body leaning over as much as he could so as to see what all the fuss was about.

I remember the days when my daring Kaeley Girl would watch documentaries about the human body. Well, then something changed. Now she is so squeamish she sensors everything I say. If she thinks the conversations is going to "that place" she cup her hands over her ears and wait for the bloody part to be done. Now both younger children think they're afraid of blood. Here Alynna hides between my legs as we watch a computer program about the immune system. The computer program never showed actual blood. It was all drawings of white blood cells and the such. Thanks a lot, Kaeley!

Our prodigy does a puzzle.

Right about the time I could feel myself getting annoyed at the little things... not my children, but the little things they were doing :)... I decided it was time to pack up and head home. Seriously, at the front door a woman says, "The kelp garden is beautiful! You saw it, right?" Well, how could I miss the kelp garden? We headed all the way back upstairs to find this one room we missed. Turned out not to be a room, but an entire wing to the museum I never knew existed! We walked into a room covered with movie theater type screens. They displayed different ecosystems and the creatures that lived in each one. Kaeley danced around excitedly at all that beautiful nature. After a while I finally corralled the two olers to come with me to find this garden when I turn around to find Alynna on her belly, in the middle of the room, watching the screen. Well, how can you miss THAT? 

It was a little after three when I was walking back to the car and heard about the kelp forest. It was five when we finally left. I'm glad we know know about the "extra" wing of the museum!

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