Monday, March 5, 2012

Nathan is Five Years Old!

So the birthday interview was finally done today. There were several breaks during the process, because I would have to run to get Simon off the dining room table. I kept taking him down, but he kept climbing back up. I finally had to place the dining room table on it’s side. Even then he got himself stuck between the bench and the table top. He didn’t seem in the interview to answer questions, but I did my best. He was more interested in writing Grannie.
How old are you? Five!
What is your whole name? Nathan James Avedra!
What is your favorite color? My favorite color is the same color as the monkeys.  Like all the monkeys and all the colors they wear. That means they wear clothes.
What monkeys are you talking about? American monkeys that live in the zoo.
They wear clothes? Yes.
But what’s your favorite color? My favorite color is the same as the wood. The light brown.
So your favorite color is brown? Yes. Light brown. I’m thinking, “Why didn’t you just say that?” I held my tongue and just chuckled to myself.
What does it feel like to be a big brother? Well, I clean up and stuff like that.
Do you like being a big brother? Yes. Because! I clean up and stuff like that and you did not hearin’ even me!
What is your favorite game to play? My favorite game is Checko. He goes on to explain Hungry Hippos.
Are you going to get married when you get bigger? Yes. Not when I am even bigger than this! I even make jokes with you! Now that’s all I want to write.
How old do you think you might be when you get married? 100.
What do you want to be when you get big? I don’t know.
What about a fire man? No! You’re just kidding me!
Why do you say that? Because I don’t know what I’m going to do. He seems to be getting a little irritated with me. Could it be because he already told me he didn’t want to do anymore? I could ask him, “You don’t like me asking you the same question over and over again?” Then I have a whole dialogue in my head with myself. He would say no. I would say, well, now you know how I feel! Then he would tell me that he didn’t want to do this interview any more. My answer would be, What do you want to do when you get big? What do you want to do when you get big? What do you want to do when you get big?!? Nathan! What do you want to do when you get big! Then Nathan would say, You’re right, Mom. That’s really annoying. I will never pester you again, especially when you’re driving in the car and trying to listen to a fascinating audio book.
Oh… I wake up from my fantasy. I usually try to get to a hard question at the end of the interviews so I can see how they might explain something they know nothing about. I can’t do that, because he’s already told me he’s done with questions.
Can you just tell me one thing more, please? What do you want to say for your fifth birthday? I’m hoping for something profound and his four previous years wrapped up in a nutshell. He says: I want to go to Chuck E Cheese! Yep. That just about covers it.

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