Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Legacy of Perspective, part 1

When I was an older teen there was a particular style of shoe I wanted. My mom, always working with budgets and practicality, took me to Payless. I don't remember this in detail, but I remember the overall feel of the experience and I very clearly remember the consequence. The feel of the memory is entitlement. My mother had taken me to Payless after I had asked her, so this must mean I was allowed to boss her around with whatever I wanted. Okay, so I did very little housework and earned no money, but I was their daughter, so they should thank me for just being alive and buy me whatever I want, right? I was a teen... give me a break. Anyway, while I was there telling my mom what-for the word "need" slipped out of my mouth.
The consequence? All shoes were put back in their boxes, and mother ushered daughter out of store empty handed. The immediate lesson? "Geeze, Mom is so strict for the sake of being strict. She needs a hobby or something." The long lasting lesson that all of us parents hope for as we are strict with our children? An adult (me) who is being retaught the lesson of what is needed and what is wanted. How should I live? In excess of materials? I strive to learn to live in modest comfort so that I can give to those who are struggling to live at all. And the first person to begin the lesson? Dear ole mom.

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