Monday, August 27, 2012

A Simple Walk

We have a bakery outlet just down the street that I never visit. I have recently been shopping there in hopes of stretching that dollar just a wee bit more. They have a frequent buyer card with bonus stamp days, so I'm going to be making the most of this in the future. This particular day was beautiful, so I had no excuse not to walk there. The two older kids had their bikes. Alynna is always convinced she can keep up on her little scooter. I think she made it a block before she gave up and I ended up holding the scooter for her.
She's super cute though, isn't she? The whole look was just working for her. :)

Simon was strapped on my back. It was a nice little walk. It was a little challenging keeping up with everyone though. The two older kids were always way ahead of us slow-pokes and would wait for us at the corners. Alynna would run and then totter behind and then run again. Simon was a very good boy and always stayed near. :) heeheehee

We came home with two bags of whole wheat bread (buy one get one free) and a splurge of mini bagels. I got bonus stamps for the purchase too. I spent $5.50. Most important is I was outside in the gorgeous weather with my gorgeous children. A stressful day inside the house needs only to be brought in the great outdoors. What a wonderful life I live... and the glory and thanks is to God alone.

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