Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Simple Walk to the Park Brings an Attitude of Gratefulness

Yesterday we walked to our local park, which we haven't done in months!  It had been an average day of school, cleaning, Kaeley's friend came over to play, and so on. Nothing out of the ordinary. Yet I can walk to the park and find myself amazed once again at what I have been given. Here's Kaeley being a wonderful big sister and taking Simon for a ride. Is that making you cringe? Yeah, me too.

Here is my sweet boy. I like to call him "The Baby Who Almost Wasn't". Remember when Alynna was going to be our last baby? Then we had a surprise pregnancy with another devastating loss. Then we decided to have a fourth. And here he is. My Baby Who Almost Wasn't.

Alynna continues on with her fashion forward trend setters. Her newest thing is ripping the nicely paired socks apart right before we leave the house and intentionally wearing two mismatched socks!

Here she does a trick and tells me she's just like a bow and arrow.
I love little surprises like this. Little pauses through out the day that pull me out of the normal day and remind me how spectacularly I've got it!

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