Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aquarium of the Pacific ~ Thanksgiving Break

We had a very long Thanksgiving weekend. It wasn't really supposed to be that way, but poor Brad suffered a migraine all of Wednesday and had to use a sick day. Simon wasn't his normal self either. He had some strange stomach upset in the morning and was rather clingy for the rest of the day. That was the start of our vacation. Thursday we spent most of the day at my in-laws. Saturday was piano class for Kaeley and church at night. Sunday afternoon the entire family went to the Aquarium of the Pacific.

It was quite a treat! I usually take the children by myself, which is totally do-able, but to have the extra hands, feet, and eyes of Brad was just fantastic! We would walk together and split up when Simon ran off in the opposite direction.

That's my big strong man right there! :)

I love it when he's a softie too. :)

We hadn't been in such a long time we were surprised by their "new" touch tanks.
Hmm... think they have all their bases covered? Sigh.

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