Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Decked the Halls a Week Ago

This was last year's list of casualties.

This year we added the lobster ornament. That doesn't include the Yoda ornament we would have bought if Nathan hadn't broken it before we even left the store.

One week ago we decorated for Christmas. We have always had a little tree. We love it. This is our third year with a fake tree and I have no guilt. :) It's cheaper, easier, sparkles, and holds ornaments. What else could one want in a tree?

Excuse the poor pictures. My camera is at the "doctor's" right now. We should be getting it back soon.

Everyone had a role to play. Nathan did the guy-work with Brad to get our lovely little tree from the garage and broken an ornament. Kaeley practically took over the entire decorating and bossed the younger siblings around as to where to hang certain ornaments and who could touch what at what time. Alynna played around the living room like we decorate trees every night. Simon and Brad went to Target to get replacement lights. I took pictures.

She was rather bossy, but she made a nice looking tree.

A family tradition of our is to buy an ornament for each child that kind of sums up the year. Alynna received Tangled. If you know anything about Alynna you'll know that she's four and she went through a huge Tangled phase.

As usual I asked for a close-up of the ornament and got this.

Nathan got a non-glass ornament depicting his golf class. No more glass ornaments for that boy until he's eighteen!

Kaeley got a music note representing her almost year taking piano. Little sassy chick put it on her ear like an earring. :) You can even see the latest missing tooth in her smile.

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