Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Simplicity of the Park

After a while of sickos at home taking sick days we went to the park. It was a beautiful day! The kids had an absolute blast playing in the bushes and picking berries. I think we were there for almost an hour and a half. We probably could have stayed longer if Simon hadn't gotten tired and cranky. It's hard to take a good picture of Nathan with a simple smile. :) He is indeed very expressive.

I know! I know! She's growing up! Ach! She's becoming quite the young lady.

Kaeley found a broken palm frond. She had a lovely time gently sweeping the courtyard in which we were playing. Nathan got a hold of it and almost smacked me in the face twice. 
This is his "cheese".

All the time he was playing in the leaves I was yelling his name. I just wanted to take a picture of him playing in the leaves and looking at the camera. Nothing doing. He was having such a wonderful time playing in the debris he didn't look at me once! And, yes, his face is buried inside the leaves.

Poor little Simon was sick for so long I just got used to him being serious and fussy and always at my feet. One day his sense of humor and smiles came back and I remembered the little boy that was! It's been a lovely change, let me tell you! Here Simon is roaring very, very loudly!

At one point Simon saw a squirrel and raced after it, but the rodent ran up the tree! Little devil. Well, poor Simon was a bit disappointed. He stood under the tree for several moments. Maybe he was waiting for me to fix the problem.

Mom couldn't fix the problem, so he ran off after the next squirrel.

My little warrior found a large stick. All his problems in the world vanished with the discovery.

No pictures of Alynna? Yeah. I tried.

Simon in his element. The boy is obsessed with trains. Obsessed!

Finally I got a picture of the diva. She discovered you could climb the trellis like a ladder. Before I could put the camera down all four children were climbing into their new-found tree house.

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