Saturday, January 19, 2013

Date Night

Yes, it is a real tattoo and, yes, that is my arm. I know. I can't believe it either. I chose the word "Believer" based on my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior. The leaf that is dotting the eye is a reminder of Psalm 1 explained in detail on my Deeply Rooted blog. It's just a beautiful reminder to me of growth and God's faithfulness and love to me.

I stopped watching when Johnny (my best friends husband and tattoo extraordinaire) ripped open the large needle. That was a little too much information for me.

It didn't hurt horribly, but it was not all that comfortable. I'm glad I chose a small tattoo with thin lines. I was done within twenty minutes and that was none too soon for me!

My sister-in-law and her fiance surprised us, which was a very fun addition. (Thanks for coming and sharing the memory with us, Toni!) Thank you, Johnny Anderson, for doing the tattoo. It's more beautiful than I imagined. And if you talk to my husband do not believe the lie; I will NOT be getting a sleeve.

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