Friday, September 6, 2013

Santa Ana Zoo

Santa Ana Zoo was my favorite zoo in our area. It's not as though I have dozens to choose from. It's either Los Angeles Zoo or Santa Ana, so I chose Santa Ana. However, now that I have visited Santa Ana during a heat wave I am no longer enthralled by the quaint nature of the zoo. Everything seems a little less charming in ninety degree heat.

There were countless cages of monkeys and a handful of animals. Here Alynna poses in her very loved princess dress in front of a camel.

We met Brad's beloved cousin Jaclyn and her eye-candy baby, Isabel. They live minutes away from the Santa Ana Zoo. Jaclyn generously treated the kids to the most beautiful merry-go-round I've ever seen. It was so pretty the children had a hard time choosing which animal/bird/nest to ride.

Alynna was in heaven on the horse.

Alynna is now coming into her own as she "protects" her little brother from the unseen dangers of stepping on dirt to see the sign up close.

While the younger kids played in the playground Kaeley took time to design business cards. She now has a Mother's Help business. She has one frequent client and is itching for more. She charges the steal of a dollar per hour.

Anderson, we thought of you as I almost stepped on a small praying mantis. Kaeley, with her eagle-eye, was able to spot him and save his life. It's tough being green. Well, you can't really see that from our above picture, but he's in there. I guess it just looks like we're really proud of Kaeley for finishing her picnic lunch. Then again, for Kaeley, that is a great victory.

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