Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Shark Attack

Our tummies were full (for the moment, I should say, because the kids seemed to ask for food every five minutes through out this entire day). Somehow my warning about doing school from breakfast until we left for the park fell on deaf ears, including mine, for the children went to play after the dishes had been cleared. I, being the responsible instructor that I am, sat down with a cup of coffee and did the social media thing.
But sometimes siblings enjoying each other's company makes better lessons than the daily spelling list.
I sat, drank, typed, realized I had said the morning was dedicated to learning, and continued to sit. I listened to Kaeley invent a game based on PBS show "Wild Kratts". She took out our animal flash cards, gathered everyone together, and they each slapped a chosen card with animal displayed and yelled, "Activate!" And so it was that they turned into a pride of lions. The lions crawled around the living room growling. Then they turned to octopuses. The three younger ones balled themselves up and pretended to be eggs as Kaeley waved her tentacles over them. Then came the owls. The calm in my coffee cup diminished as my shoulders tensed due to the almost deafening hoots. I cringed, but bit my tongue. What's noise between happy siblings, right?
The shark flash card was next. It was slapped by each and they crawled around pretending to swim.
The Simon shark saw the delicious and unaware Nathan shark swimming near. He hovered in the shadows until the coast was clear (so to speak). He struck! Nathan shark twisted in pain as Simon shark attacked!
Yes, well, the loud hooting was replaced with screaming as Nathan cried out that Simon had just taken a bite of his back. No blood was shed, but skin was broken and tears were shed.
That was the end of the cup of calm.
That was also the end of the flash cards. They were promptly put away and the children ran off to play a safe game of Barbies instead.

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