Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Golf and Projects

Today was a fresh breath of second chances. I still went into hysterics right before we left for golf class. Something about "junk being thrown away" and someone possibly getting "sick of cleaning up all this junk". But anyway... most of the day went well. The kids did school, I did the usual housework, etc. After lunch we drove to the kids' week long golf class. Kaeley and Nathan and Alynna all wanted to be a part of it. It's been fun having just Simon, but today my dear and generous friend, Cindy Rimmer, volunteered to take Simon to the playground while I went to the mall.
So off to the mall I went. It was so lovely to slowly stroll the mall just me and my frappuccino. I returned to golf class just in time to watch Nathan put a hole in one three times in a row.

And just in time to see Alynna use her entire time in line as a play date with the girl behind her. She hit the ball once and was politely escorted out of the class. The director was, thankfully for my sake, a wonderful woman who was gracious in spite of the five year old's disruptions, said Alynna would need constant supervision from a parent or possibly be picked an hour early. So Alynna will be going to Target with me and Simon tomorrow.
Oh well. Sometimes you try and succeed and other times you try and turn out a wee bit embarrassed.
We came home to our lovely little Christmas tree heavily laden with adoration and adornment. The stockings are hung by the computer with care.
Now the odd thing has always been our two nativity sets. One is a Play Mobile and the other is Little People. While I would like say my respectful children always act out the Christmas story with the characters I more often than not hear requests to take Baby Jesus in the sand downstairs so they can play "lost in the jungle" or Mary telling a shepherd that she's no longer his friend. I'm not quite sure what to do with that.
While Alynna and Simon slept, Nathan and I made these itty bitty Adventures in Odyssey figures. They are made out of paper and are about an inch in diameter. It was a fun project and Nathan really enjoys them. However, I was also reminded that I am a big-picture type of person, which is why I get anxiety from projects like tiny knots of yarn and tiny scraps of fabric assembled into a quilt... sends shivers down my spine!
That's also why I'm thankful for friends like Kathryn Thomas who can hear of someone's big picture idea and use her gifts and talents in the minutia to make that dream come true. Kathryn, I would like to make an Adventures in Odyssey paper city complete with lights and snow. Can you make it happen? :)

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