Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Alynna the Studious

I think Alynna is on the tired side. For the past two weeks she has skipped naps in favor of participating in afternoon school. Today her squeaky voice has a tired higher-than-normal pitch to it. Every two minutes I'm hearing, "Look at this, Mommy... Look at this..."
Today she and I read from Dick and Jane. She read sentences ripe with repetition: Look, Jane. Look, look, look. Go up, Puff. Up, up, up. She was reading in her peppy little voice that I love and cringe at in the same moment. At the end of the page I ask her what she just read to build her reading comprehension. After reading about Puff being stuck in a tree she piped out, "Puff was stuck in tree! He was stuck, stuck stuck!"
After reading her two stories in miniature she and I will choose four words that she can help me spell and then copy onto paper. She wrote Jane, and while most of it was quite good her "J" was backwards. When I pointed that out to her she replied, "I wrote it that way so it was pointing to the other letters!" I assured her isolating the A, N, and E with the pompous stature of the J would not insult the letters.
She concentrated so much on copying these eight words that, when complete, she threw her pencil to the table with a deep breathed, "There!" She fell back in her seat and panted in exhaustion.
One of the library books we're reading now is a very simple art book. We've seen pictures from Pieter Bruegel, Leonardo da Vinci, and Gilbert and George (who I still find a mystery). We looked up Jackson Pollock's work the other day. Today, while reading "Burt Dow Deep Water Man" I saw an opportunity to review what we've learned. I said, "Alynna, what does this remind you of?" I pointed to the pink picture on your bottom right. She wrinkled her nose and said, "A mess!"  Brad is one that would strongly agree with that assessment.
Today we saw the wood prints of Hokusai's Mount Fuji. After reading "Mount Fuji" many times Alynna, wrinkled nosed, said, "What? It's called a jacuzzi? What a funny name!"
Studious and entertaining all at the same time. I like this one.

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