Sunday, August 10, 2014

Touring the Fire Station with Kings Harbor Church

This week, as Simon was sleeping over at Grandma's house, the older kids and I joined a group from our church and toured the local fire department.

We learned about the different trucks the department uses and what the purpose of each vehicle was. I'm now thinking it would be AWESOME to own a hook and ladder truck as our main family vehicle. Think of the storage! No more packing four different bags of food and towels and diapers and toys and the kitchen sink. I mean, I suppose you could retort back with: Janna, buy a camping trailer. But I would ask you to consider the "coolness factor" of casually driving a fire truck down the street. See what I mean?

My children, especially the two middlers (and especially Nathan), are very affectionate. They can't seem to go on a tour anywhere without holding the tour guide's hand. The day they were at the fire station they were so extreme at "loving" on these men it bordered embarrassing. The fireman above was the object of their affection for most of the tour. Here Nathan asks about every single badge and pocket that man was wearing.

Look at those long legs!

Another bonus of driving a fire truck as the family's vehicle is the AWESOME first aid kit. Do you know how many essential oils I could fit in that thing!?!

This poor man actually introduced Nathan and Alynna to his coworkers as his children.

I felt the need to explain that my children were just very affectionate in addition to having a very loving and capable father at home. School goals for the coming year will include "Appropriate Boundaries".

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