Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School

Our first day of school was supposed to be tomorrow, not today, as the kids and I had a multi-hour dentist appointment planned. Thanks to the flu-thing that breezed through the house for like at least two full weeks, Brad and I have the pink eye and the dentist appointment was cancelled. The kids jumped up and down with joy when I said, "Hey, just kidding! School starts tomorrow!" Okay. so their joy came out more as eye-rolls and sighs and near tears, but different strokes for different folks.

This year weighed heavy on my heart as I now have three official students and a curious 3 1/2 year old who are to be taught and counselled and loved and studied. Kaeley has a new writing program. Nathan and Alynna need a strong reading foundation, and, as the picture below might tip you off, Nathan possibly has a little quirk that will need to be explored and worked around.

All overwhelming ramblings aside, our morning started early and alive! There is Kaeley. She is turning into quite a lovely young lady and it shocks me and thrills me. Okay, so her mood isn't always a bed of roses, but there you have life in a nutshell, right?

I posted this picture on Facebook and some crazy cousin of Brad's (you know who you are) said she was beautiful and she looked just like... her... AUNT! Her aunt indeed is lovely, but after all the laboring I have done to nurture that stubborn thing I didn't even get a, "Hey, she has your freckles." I'm not saying I'm jealous or bitter or anything. I'm just saying that I might visit the crazy cousin's Facebook page and look for a picture on which to comment, "Ah, she is so beautiful! Just like your mother-in-law!" (Just kidding, Crazy Cousin. I love you! And Beautiful Aunt, I love you too, and you are gorgeous!)

I had the children write their ages rather than their grades this year. We're a homeschooling family doing the level of work that suits each child, which ranges from two grades behind to two grades ahead. Taking the number grade off helps me see them for their strengths and weaknesses rather than where they aren't living up to their peers.

As you can see, Nathan has a complex brain, one could describe as "artsy". We are exploring the possibility of him being dyslexic (don't you say, "Duh!" to me). Remember last year when the boy excitedly proclaimed that his name was Nathan? N-A-H-T-A-N. Things are beginning to make sense.

And here is Alynna. Now Alynna does not have eye problems. These are hand-me-down dollar store glasses from Kaeley, which, while I think about it, might cause eye problems in the future. Hmm... She only needed three time-outs this morning before finding the suppressed good attitude towards school. But it's looking like she won't need school, as she is opting for the socialite lifestyle. She has already told me and Brad that she will be living with us when she's older rather than going to college. I told her that was a great idea; I will need a maid once all kids move out anyway. Alynna, who can give an evil eye that would put my dad to shame, was not happy about my answer.

But all that's behind me, because today she told me that she's moving in with my mother-in-law instead. I mean, if my girls get their beauty from that side of the family I think she should move in.

And really, if she plays life like she plays Monopoly the world is in trouble! Any time we didn't have to pay rent to that girl was cause for a celebration! I don't know how she does it!

Simon wrote two dots on his board and was thrilled to be involved in most subjects at school. Oh my goodness, multitasking is so easier when they get older! And... POTTY TRAINED!!!

Our first day of school was a beautiful beginning to an I-don't-know-quite-what-this-will-look-like homeschool year.

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