Thursday, December 11, 2014

Why and How Moms Should Exercise CREATIVITY

The role of a mother may include, but is not limited to: worshiper, wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, nurse, chef, personal shopper, janitor, referee, servant, leader, chauffeur, therapist, employee/employer, teacher, personal assistant, disciplinarian, ministry leader/participator.

Within those roles we may experience a toddler's ear-shattering temper tantrum, a tough disagreement between a spouse or a friend, a meal burnt to the point of no-return, vomit (or the likes) on the carpet, tight budgets, wrong choices, and an insatiable laundry and dirty dishes pile.

As my youngest is now approaching four years old I find myself with more time, a little elbow room, in which to develop a role I haven't had the time to fill for several years... the role of artist. You don't have to paint masterpieces or sing like Adele to be classified to be an "artist". In my book, if you appreciate beauty you're an artist.

I find that taking the time to do, or appreciate, something beautiful gives me the chance to breathe. It gives me sense-of-humor as I gain perspective at the mishaps that are bound to unfold.

We mothers are busy, but adding beauty into our lives is do-able if we prioritize it. First of all, find beauty in letting go of some roles you were not called to fill. Are you trying to fix problems that don't belong to you? Find freedom in recognizing when you're filling a God-given opportunity and when you're seeking comfort in being a people-pleaser. It takes some experimenting and a few wrong choices to find your serving-cap, but don't underestimate your need to be fed, ministered-to, or served.

There is beauty to be found in the word "no".

Let's say you're not struggling with over-commitments but rather a life with young children who need your constant pouring-out of everything physical, emotional, and spiritual? I get you! Here are some ideas to relish, and participate, in the beauty that's all around you just waiting to be discovered:
  • Buy or make something pretty and simple for your home. For example, a new tablecloth is sometimes worth its weight in gold when you can set the table for the third time that day and smile at the bright colors and whimsical pattern.
  • Wear that rather impractical-for-a-mommy outfit. Your friends might chuckle at you in all your garb as you chase your toddler through the playground, but if you feel great that's all that matters. Buy some cheap costume jewelry at Forever 21 and feel like a million bucks until it gets caught in the car seat buckle or rips with a yank of a nursing baby. Dress to impress... yourself.
  • Turn off the Barney CD that plays repeatedly in the minivan and sing loudly to your favorite musician. So what if all you're doing is making noise? Let your heart sing as you belt out the notes (or something close to it) to a song you love.
  • If you love reading, but have a hard time finding the time, hide all the children books that bore you and begin reading good classic books to your children. Revisit books like Sarah, Plain and Tall,or Winnie the Pooh. A well-written children's book is one that the parent can appreciate as well. Take advantage of that and live these stories with your children.
  • Sketch, doodle, or write even if it looks like nonsense and you would never show it to a soul. You can do this while the children are playing in playgrounds, finishing homework, or you're watching television.
  • Use Instagram or Facebook as outlets of your creativity. Share with us what you found beautiful in the ordinary. Your well-written status might be just the inspiration another soul needs to be creative herself.

Most of us live rather ordinary lives. But giving ourselves time to chronicle the beauty around us gives us the eyes to see Truth... we're not ordinary in the slightest! We're given great responsibility, because He has enabled us. We mothers are bringing up the next generation thus shaping the future surface of the world, And that's a awesome beauty we are meant to appreciate.

We mothers might throw temper tantrums like the best of them. We mothers might be washing baby spit up in our hair. We mothers might have put on a few pounds since having children. We mothers, if lost in motherhood alone, lose the Truth of what is found within. It is in remembering the beauty the Lord has blessed us with, that we remember we are beautiful. We, who are made of dust and will one day return to dust, are made beautiful by the Artist that all other artists try to emulate.

The dirty dishes and that growing laundry pile can wait.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Very encouraging & apropos for my spirit this evening 😊