Saturday, January 31, 2015

Amy's Farm

I know. I know. I know. It takes me a month to post on a family event and it's Amy's Farm again.

Last Friday, Kaeley and I were in a bit of a funk what with all that's happening at our church. I reached out to a couple of friends just to find out they were either sick or already pre-occupied, so off we went to the farm to soothe our weary souls. Well, Kaeley wasn't all that soothed. She does not do well with surprises and flexibility is certainly not one of her strengths, so when I said, "Hey, I know! Let's go to the farm!" She replied as gracefully as any ten year old child can, "Fine, but I'm staying in the car the whole time!"

So much for staying in the car. She ended up harvesting radishes with me.

I cannot adequately express to you how the vibrant hues of of the lush plants whisper sweet love songs to my soul. The melancholy was eased as I sat, a mere speck, under the vast open blue skies. Listening to nothing but the distant braying of farm animals I prayed and chatted with Kaeley and encouraged Alynna to stop after four oranges.

Nathan, who wore a cowboy hat, desired a long white feather just like our beloved Farmer Randy's. Thankfully, I looked up in time to see the boy trying to corner a rooster before pouncing and potentially plucking out a prize feather. He later bemoaned to Randy that Mom told him to leave the poor foul alone. Farmer Randy calmly walked into the turkey coupe and yanked out a white feather and Nathan's look was finally complete.

I was also approached by Kaeley, who had a new (and suspicious) spring in her step. She asked when was the last time I had considered having a pet. That was easy: I don't consider the possibility; we live in a small apartment. I was then told that Nathan had found a nest of eggs. Randy, not wanting any more wild chickens taking over the farm, "gave" the children the nest. I stopped what I was doing to look her straight in the eyes. "You want to raise chickens?" Without blinking the child answered blankly, "Yes." For clarity: "You want to raise chickens in an apartment?" Her answer was, "Why not?"

After explaining that the eggs would not last without an incubator, that we would be homeless if our apartment managers ever... never mind. No. The answer is no. Besides, hasn't she seen the episode of Lucy Ricardo trying to raise chickens?

After she sulked away, crushed that she wouldn't be the proud mommy to a brood of fluffy chicks, Nathan came bouncing up. Oh brother. This child asked me what I was serving for breakfast the next morning.

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