Friday, February 6, 2015

Kaeley is Eleven Years Old!

What's your favorite toy?
I don't really have a favorite toy. I like playing with Legos. Yes, that's my favorite toy.
"Then why did you tell me the other day that you didn't really play with Legos anymore?"
I meant that I don't play with them that much, because I don't have the time, because I have so much school. Like yesterday I didn't have enough time with all the spelling and math and all that.

What's your favorite school subject?
Um... Well, today I did the lesson in Math and that was kind of fun, but I usually like it when my mom reads out loud to me for history. "What book have you liked recently?"  I liked Bandit's Moon and Babe, the Gallant Pig; that was funny.

Who is your most favorite person in history to learn about?
Abraham Lincoln. Yes. I like Abraham Lincoln, Corrie ten Boom, and... what was it?
"Babe, the gallant pig?" Alynna suggests.
No, Alynna. Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president.
Well, I like the story that he did and the story of how he was honest even before he became a president.
"What's his story?"
Just the story about his life. I wanted to study him, so I read a book about him from the beginning of his life - log cabin, he helped father. And I really don't like how people with different colored skin were treated back then and I like how he put a stop to that in the war.
If you're wanting to leave a comment about how Abraham Lincoln didn't actually stop the poor treatment of colored people, I know. We'll get to that later.

If you had the entire day to do whatever you wanted to and you had all the money you wanted, how would you spend your time? 
With one of my grandparents... or in the library.
"What if you took one of your grandparents to the library?"
Yes, though Grannie would like that better, I think. Grandma is more into the movies and fun places to eat.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A restaurant owner or work in someone else's restaurant! My job ideas have probably changed a lot of the years.
Why do you think that is? 
Because I wanted to be a farmer, a missionary, and probably a ballerina sometime in my life, because every little girl wants to be a ballerina.
I think I wanted to be a ballerina when I was in the second grade. So the only dancing class I took in my early childhood was one session of square dancing, I was sure I was a prodigy that just hadn't been discovered yet.
Oh! And once I wanted to be a Lego Master Builder. I think it was after I watched The Lego Movie.
Nathan growls out an emphatic, "Oh yeah! Me too!"
But I'm also fascinated by all the different jobs. I mean, there's so many jobs that you could have!

What's your favorite thing about yourself?
Wow. This is hard.
"Is it hard because there's so much to choose from?"
 No! I know. I like how I look like my dad.
"Because he's so handsome, right?"
But I'm not handsome, Mom. Don't say that.

What's your least favorite thing about yourself?
She hems and haws and bites her lip for a while.
I'm going to say not having the ability to decide.
"Are you saying you're indecisive?"
Yes! I don't like how I'm indecisive.
"I though you were going to say you didn't like not looking like me."
No, because I DO look like you. I mean look at this picture! I have brown hair like you and...
"I thought you said you looked like dad?
Because I do.
I think they call that indecisive.

What's your favorite food?
I like...
And she spends some time thinking and biting her lips again.
"Are you having a hard time deciding? "
Hamburgers! Hamburgers from In-N-Out.
The girl can eat a double double and a serving of animal fries in less than twenty minutes.
No offense to any other restaurant owners, like Good Stuff where I'm going to be work one day. Their burgers look really good.
You think Good Stuff is still going to hire you if you like In-N-Out better?
No, but I do know the person who owns Good Stuff and he said he would give me a job!
In Kaeley's defense she's never eaten a Good Stuff burger, so there's still hope for her career opportunities.

What's your favorite book?
I like stories from the past that are true, like right now I'm reading The Diary of Anne Frank. I read The Hiding Place. I read God's Smuggler, and how his life was changed. Oh, I also learned about Gladys Aylward, Hudson Taylor, and Lillian Trasher. We listened to those on audiobook.
"How about your favorite make-believe stories?"
I like the Wizard of Oz and their other books, though I haven't been able to find the fourth book yet. Hopefully I will though. I also like Nancy Drew, but I need to take break every two books or so.

What do you want to tell the world about yourself?
That I'm AWESOME! Because the word has ME in it so it just works! KAELEY IS AWESOME! OH YEAH! KAELEY IS AWESOME! YEAH!
And as she dances around the living room singing her humble anthem Alynna chimes in with, "Party! Party!" Only Nathan counters the popular tune of the day with, "KAELEY IS SO BORING! KAELEY IS SO BORING!" "Party! Party!"

If you could be a fish, what kind of fish would you be and why?
You are thinking of the random-est questions! I'll say the halibut, because it has a silly name. Or salmon, because I like salmon.
"Having a hard time deciding?"
Well, I don't know any good fish!

What did you learn about God this year?
She took a breath and instantly poured into a sermon on God's perfect plan for your life and how He uses your interests and talents, but how it's not often your first choice, but's a good choice. She explained that these are lessons she learned from the above-mentioned books. She was also encouraged, mostly through The Hiding Place, to learn God's Word and memorize the Scripture.
She spoke so quickly all that she had learned about God that year, mostly through these books, that I had a hard time keeping up with her hence this summary.

Kaeley Susan-Christine, our brave warrior, we love you! You are wonderfully and perfectly made and you bless us every day with your presence. Your intense little personality often blesses me personally through way of sanctification, but, as you said, God's plan for us is perfect, and I'm so glad He's sharpening me with the likes of your unique heart.
Happy eleventh birthday!

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