Saturday, March 14, 2015

Nathan's Eight-Year Old Birthday Interview

State your name and address for the record, please.
Nathan Saavedra. Uh... 911. He proceeds to tell me my cell phone number. That works. Moving on.

What's one thing you want to tell the world about yourself?
That I LOVE Pokemon!

What's your favorite thing about yourself?
He had a hard time understanding I wasn’t asking about his possessions. He liked his Pokemon, his Legos, etc, but it took a few chances before he finally said: I like that I have my family and I relate to them nice. Well, sometimes. Simon mumbles from the corner, “No, you don’t.”

What's your least favorite thing about yourself?
That I talk a lot. I have learned to love this part of Nathan. He used to talk my ears numb, but now the only concern I have with this particular trait of his is keeping him safe as he often invites himself into stranger’s basketball games, talks to seniors at the park, and allows complete strangers to teach him how to ride a skateboard. He would go home with complete strangers given the chance. At least he knows 911.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
He blows in and out with the pressure of his decision and makes noises with his tongue... A police man!Why do you want to be a police man”? I don't know. Just I like to be tested. Uh huh. What kind of tests do you think they’re going to give you?” I think (cousin) Tyler's doing it, so I just he can tell me what the tests are. Simon yells out, “Me too, Brudder! I want to be a police guy too!”

What's your favorite school subject?
I think it's Barton! That shocked the heck out of me as this is his reading curriculum. “What about Barton do you like?” About reading and it helps me focus on one thing.

If you had the entire day to do whatever you wanted to and you had all the money you wanted, how would you spend your time?
Legos! Getting Legos and building them, so I can practice to be Master Builder! And as Nathan begins to do lunges and jumping jacks in excitement over Legos Simon yells, “Me too, Brudder! I want to be a master beed-ler too!”

What's your favorite toy?
Legos! “What do you like to build?” Oh, I don't know. Just stuff that I make up in my mind.

What's your favorite food?
Macaroni and Cheese. Simon again voices his opinion with, “Me too! I like that too!”

What's your favorite book?
The Word of God. Another answer that made my eyebrows shoot up into my forehead. “Why?”  Because it teaches me things, not like Science, but it helps me build up on the strength Word of God. Sheesh. Okay. I wanted to know what his favorite fictional book was and after some time he answered, “The Hardy Boys!”

If you could be any character in any book, who would you be and why?
The Hardy boys! You would have to choose just one of the boys. You can’t be both! Uh…Frank. “And why would you be Frank?” Because both of them have a motorcycle, but I don't know why I just said that. “Well, then why can’t you be Ralph S. Mouse? He has a motorcycle too, you know.” Ralph? No, because I might be vacuumed up by someone cleaning under the bed and then I would... He then shrivels into a small ball while making a shrieking sound.

What did you learn about God this year?
That He's very kind. How did you learn that? Because of the Word of God always says that God's kind and God wants you to believe in Him. “Where do see Him being kind to you?” And I kid you not, the boy says (with no prompting) Oh, pretty much everywhere. By giving me my whole entire family and my mom and my dad. And he wrapped his arm around my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek. And that was the end of the interview and of me.

Kaeley made his birthday cake this year.

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