Friday, May 15, 2015

California Science Center - Staycation Day 1

While we made plans to camp in the San Bernardino mountains, the seldom-seen rain made plans to visit Southern California. Three days before heading out the kitchen was packed with convenience foods for easy camping meals and I was on the phone postponing our plans until August. Oh well.

Brad still took the days off at work and we brainstormed on how to have a vacation at home while it rains.

Yesterday Brad had a "date" with Simon while the three older children went with me to the California Science Center. I had planned on visiting the Griffith Observatory, but the possible hike up to the destination and the clouds inhibiting several of the exhibits, not to mention the great view one can enjoy, changed my plans. Kaeley had no interest in the observatory, so I'm sure she was kicking up her heels when it started raining.

But they were excited about the Science Center. We have visited this museum many times, but every time we go I am inspired to go more often. The ecosystems are my favorite part and one could spend an entire trip in that wing alone. 

Here we are in the kelp room...

There's something magical about the learning that comes from quiet observation and wonder.

Here Nathan is doing what Nathan does best: interacting with animals and talking to complete strangers.

When I was trying to leave this exhibit Alynna was watching in wonder the two divers who had emerged and insisted on touching one of the local celebrities. She was patient and just loud enough to get their attention and was able to shake their hand. Then she skipped off to leave with no problem.

Our "cheap" outing took a different turn when I bought us all tickets to an IMAX show - something I never do, because... well... it's darn expensive! So $23.95 later, we were decked out in 3D glasses and waiting for the Galapagos Island production to begin. The film was fantastic!

It was a rather loud viewing as I had a family behind me who talked as if they were the only ones in the theater and a small field trip in front of me with a boy who laughed hysterically at mention of the "booby" bird and the "naked" eye.

Here we are in the Pole Room learning about insulation from the cold, sun reflecting off different materials, and Alynna must not trust Kaeley's future driving skills, because she climbed behind Kaeley and instantly gave me the expression of sheer terror. Kaeley seems to have it all under control. Nothing new there.

Brad and Simon had lunch at home, shared a cinnamon roll at the mall, and visited grandparents. We had a great time slowly learning at the museum and actually reading exhibits instead of chasing the shortest crew member, but even Alynna said, "This would only be better if Simon were here, because he would enjoy this."

And I could warm at her love for a sibling, something I never had the privilege of doing.

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