Saturday, February 6, 2016

Kaeley is Twelve!

1. What is your favorite color? Yellow.

2. What’s your favorite television show? The Flash.

3. What song do you love? Oh, I don’t know. I like a lot of songs! Um… I Do, by Cobie Caillat.

4. What’s your favorite cereal?  Plain old Cheerios. This answer came with a lot of laughing. I didn’t know that cold cereal could be so funny, but apparently it can. Then I thought she said she would choose the cereal Fritos if I had it in the house at which point I almost broke windows with, “You would eat Fritos for breakfast?” No. She had said Fruit-O’s.

5. What do you want to be when you grow up? And this is the question that derailed the fun train. A millionaire! She said it with a bit of an attitude, like I had asked this career-choice question one too many times. I didn’t ask how much money she wanted in the bank account. I had asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, so I pressed her on how she would earn the million dollars. She didn’t like this question. Girl, don’t get mad at me for how the world works. But, if an annual birthday interview is to encapsulate a child’s personality… there you have it. Moving on…

6. What is your favorite book? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

7. What are you really good at? Drawing.

8. Where do you wish you could go on vacation? Thankfully she answered, “Paris” rather than the expected, “Anywhere where my mother is not.”

9. What is your best memory? When Simon was born. I remember when I went in (to the bathroom where Simon was born) and called him Nathan, because he looked a lot like Nathan.

10. What would you buy if you had $1000.00? I don’t really know how much a thousand dollars would buy, but I would buy a Kindle and books to go with it.

11. What vegetable do you hate the most? Zucchini.

12. If you could have a wish, what would it be? Have my birthday on a day when Shayla wasn’t sick. Kaeley was going to have one of her good friends over for her birthday, but poor Shayla got horribly sick and was out of commission for the entire week.

13. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Vanilla.

14. Who is your biggest hero? This answer took a bit of prodding, because she couldn’t put her finger on one person in particular. Harriet Tubman, because she helped save a lot of people when she could have had everything she wanted.

15. What do you like to do best with your friends? Play dolls.

16. What do you hope you’ll get to do before your next birthday? Get my room all finished and get me all settled in. This summer the children, who currently all share one room, will be split up by gender and Kaeley could not be more excited.

17. How much does a car cost? $2,500.00

18. What are you afraid of? I get squeamish when I read about gory stuff. Scared of… having something really bad happen in the family, like, a serious injury or something really bad that would affect our family.

19. Tell me what you learned about God this year? One? I learned that God is very kind and patient and loving, but He does give judgment very harshly, because He loves us.

20. What’s something different you’ll do now that you’re twelve? I don’t exactly know… 

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