Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Nathan's 9th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color? Blue.

What’s your favorite television show? That’s a tricky one… I’m not actually sure. Well, what do you like to watch? Cartoons… maybe Ninjago, but not much.

What song do you love? TobyMac and then inside of TobyMac I like “Speak Life”.

What’s your favorite cereal?  I think that would be my favorite cereal… the type with sugar inside.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m not really sure, because there are two things: either an army officer or a police man.

What is your favorite book? The Bible.

What are you really good at? Soccer and football. This is news to me as he plays those sports a handful of times a year. Okay, what’s something you do a lot that you’re good at? Oh, making paper airplanes, playing outside, I’m good at doing schoolwork.

Where do you wish you could go on vacation? China or Hawaii. What would you see in China? Their awesome buildings. And in Hawaii I would see their giant beaches with pure water! I think it’s still salt water, but at least you could see through it.

What is your favorite memory? My favorite memory… when I was a kid. But what happened when you were a kid? What’s something you remember that makes you happy? When I was first born. Oh wait! When someone else was first born. They had to wake me up to tell me someone had to be born. He’s describing Simon’s birth, which makes me smile. This was Kaeley’s answer to this question as well.

What would you buy if you had $1,000.00? I would buy a house that Vanilla Ice makes, but it would be in Hawaii or China. One of those places. I blame Brad and HGTV that my children know who Vanilla Ice is. 

What vegetable do you hate the most? I do not like, or ever will, mushrooms! Blech! They just disgust me. At least my point of taste.

If you could have a wish, what would it be? To have a mom and dad, school work, and a nice home to live in. Uh… Do you know what wish means? Yes, I do. I can’t even describe the conversation that ensued, but there was indeed a misunderstanding about what a wish was. I mean, notice he did not wish for a nice mom and dad. He just asked for a mom and a dad. Okay, but what do you not have that you want? I wish I could live where there was a ton of stuff to play with all day long. I want to mention he has too many toys to keep up with, but we will move on.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? I think it would either be vanilla and then also the bubble gum flavor.

Who is your biggest hero? God.

What do you like to do best with your friends? Play with them. Good answer.

What do you hope you’ll get to do before your next birthday? Go to Disneyland! Me too!

How much does a car cost? I’m guessing in the hundreds? Millions?

What are you afraid of? Black widows. Dangerous stuff. But I do like to see them in pictures.

Tell me what you learned about God this year? That He’s fantastic! That He’s super strong and really creative!

What’s something different you’ll do now that you’re nine? A lot more things I couldn’t when I was eight. Like what? Cut things on my own. Wait. I can cook by myself without any help.

Nathan, last night Daddy asked us what we would ask God if we were face to face and could ask God one question. You answered, "What do you have in store for me?" I think that's an excellent question. I don't know what He has planned for you to do, but it's going to be great and it's going to be beautiful. Happy birthday, my sweet boy!

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