Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brad!

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Bradley! Happy birthday to you!

Yesterday we started out with a breakfast at Snax. It wasn't exactly a relaxing breakfast for me, because I had to sit next to that squirmy boy of ours. Whew. He was crazy. After breakfast we, of course, headed to Disneyland to get Brad's free gift card. In the end he didn't even spend a penny of it! I never even touched the card and it was burning a hole in my pocket! I'm getting a little tired of Disneyland, so I just followed the family to where they wanted to go. Brad doesn't get to go as often as the kids and I do, so I think he had a good time. We didn't go on that many rides.
Now around dinner time my surprise got to come into play. Brad guessed what it was in the morning, because he had seen me looking at it on the computer a week or so ago, but I at least did my part of the surprise and pulled it off like a pro. I had arranged for my parents (Dad is visiting from Iraq) and Brad's parents to meet us at Pirates Adventure for dinner. Pirates Adventure is a Medieval Times dinner show, but, obviously, with pirates instead of knights. Brad wasn't all that shocked when everyone showed up, because Kaeley had let it slip that they were coming, but he didn't find out about that until half an hour before the dinner, so I still consider it a success. Success or not I'm not telling Kaeley any more secrets for a while.
Dinner was fun! The kids were entertained by the entire show. I could tell Brad had a good time. Having our parents at the event made it that much memorable. We had a good time. I posted some pictures of the family with the pirates. Excuse the smudge. Nathan played with my camera during dinner.


Jenna said...

Looks like fun! Happy Birthday Brad!

Christine Fiscer, Birthkeeper said...

Oh how fun!! Please do tell Brad that I am wishing him a happy belated birthday. I wish I had known it was his birthday last week!

Sounds like you guys had a great day!