Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Boy, Are We in Trouble!

The boy learned to climb ladders! 
We've had to take Nathan's bunk bed ladder down. The first time I heard Nathan yelling, "Mommy! Simon is on my ladder!" I found Simon on the second rung. A couple of days later, "Mommy! Simon is on my ladder!" I found the baby in the middle of the ladder. A few days later "Mommy! Simon is almost in my bed! Quick!" In I run to find Simon seriously almost in the boy's bed! Think! Risk it all to get the camera or get the baby immediately. I got the baby. :) Isn't he just too cute!?! I just want to eat him!

1 comment:

Grama said...

LOL!! That would never have happened 7years ago!! How we ease up with time.