Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Japanese American Museum

Tuesday the kids and I went to the Japanese American Museum. I had never even heard of this museum. It was a great learning experience for all of us. Well, for Simon I have to say it was a great work out. This is not the season for a relaxing museum fits with children.
Alynna wasn't feeling very well, but she felt good enough to try on this kimono. Isn't she just too cute?

Nathan, as always, listened intently and talked constantly. At least I have evidence of him waiting his turn. Never mind the fact that his mother was right behind him whispering, "Nathan, stop interrupting!"

Here the younger children listen to an actor telling a Japanese fairy tale.

Kaeley went with the older group. While the younger ones learned a little of Japanese culture, Kaeley learned about the Japanese Interment Camps during the World War II. Later we met up and learned to make a box from Origami.

After the official field trip was over we ate a picnic lunch in the plaza of Little Tokyo. 

Here we experience the Japanese culture in full force with a serving of Mochi. I have to say that we'll be sticking to Breyer's. Mochi's consistency was very odd. But, hey, we tried it! Then we went back to the museum and learned a bit more while Simon finally slept in the stroller.

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