Friday, January 13, 2012

Life with Young Children, Part 2

On Wednesday afternoon I finally called the doctor's and made an appointment regarding the rough rash that Simon had over much of his body. It was made for the next afternoon.
Thursday morning. Never mind the morning school, which usually starts at 9:00am. At 9:30am we ran to a local store for a quick produce run. Then to the library for books on the solar system and some Planet Earth DVDs. Then it was time for Alynna's first ballet class. It was fun watching her run around with other ballerinas. She is almost always with family members, and to see her face glowing with excitement as she flew around the room made me tear up!
After class we looked at the fish pond that was outside the building housing the ballet class. An hour at the doctor's appointment. It wasn't hives. It was eczema. We talked lack of sleep. We found out Simon has an unusually large cranium. Dad, the legacy continues. :)
At one o'clock we drove by In-N-Out. The drive-thru was ridiculous! It hadn't been my first choice, but we parked the car and ate inside. We lined up at the bar seating, which left one seat available next to Nathan. Nathan, our Chatty Cathy, befriended any man who would sit next to him. He would ask if they would be his guy-friend. How had their day been? Why were they eating here? Who were they here with? How was their work going. To one grey haired gentleman named Jim he asked, "Were you at Uwajimaya?"
We were finally at home by two o'clock. It was a long, long morning, but full of little treasure along the way.
Now if only I can hang on to those treasures as I listen to endless arguing and complaining from the oldest this morning, Lego guns shooting from another, whining and loud playing noises from the next, and a fussy baby who's not allowed to fall asleep yet!

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