Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well-Baby Appointment with One Super Grumpy One

I never do well-baby check-ups, but what with Nathan turning three and Alynna turning a year and a half I figured there were enough milestones for us to visit the doctor. Everyone is, of course, healthy. All three of the children have mild colds, but overall there were was nothing out of the ordinary.
Alynna is in the twentieth percentile for both height and weight, which is pretty right on for our little sized family. You have to remember that Kaeley is in the tens. Nathan, however, was in the forty-fifth percentile for weight! I almost fell off my chair! I didn't think Brad and I could make kids like that! For us he's a porker! :) For his height he was in the twenties. :)
Nathan had a blast answering questions and doing tricks for the doctor. Sometimes he would look at me coyly, as if to say that he was doing his best being his lovable self. The nurse would ask the basic questions and he had to answer them in a long run on sentence. It was very cute. I don't think it showed well for us that when asked how old he was Nathan answered, "Seven!" I should have seen that coming.
Alynna, on the other hand, is coming into her own grumpy self. You don't tell her where to go when she doesn't want to go! So having to be touched by two people she did not know when all she wanted to do was push a little chair around the room made Alynna very angry! She kept telling the doctor, "Uh uh!" and swinging her arms around her. She was such a grump.
Then, of course, I have to mention Kaeley in this whole thing. She had a check-up for school back in August, so she was just an innocent by-stander. She has an irrational fear of getting shots. She doesn't have anything to base that on. The only time she's been poked by a needle is when she had a TB test and last time I looked her arm is still there. But even when I made an appointment for the babies on the phone I hung up to find Kaeley sitting in the corner crying. She figured it was her turn for shots. I told her this appointment had nothing to do with her. This morning she asked me twice whether or not she was getting any shots. I had to promise her both times that I would give her plenty of notice when she gets one. I might have to start her off a month early and then give her a sedative to get her into the doctor's office. :)
It was so silly that Kaeley almost didn't watch Nathan get his blood pressure checked! Yeah, I don't see a doctor/nurse career in her future.

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