Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kaeley's Passion

Kaeley loves helping the homeless, but I don't often know how to help them if I don't see people sitting by the side of the road. Our church hosts homeless functions, but I only knew about two of them. This is the summer event. My mom watched the two little ones and Kaeley and I brought some cupcakes and our willing hands. For a while Kaeley was in charge of the drinks. She poured iced tea and water for the people to pick up before they sat down. She suggested I quote Bible verses to them before they sat down, then she said the iced tea could be Jesus' blood and the water His body, just like the last Passover. She had a good time serving and looking for things to help with. Now we know that a BBQ is held once a month, so it's on our schedule. It was also very good practice for me. I like to drive her to these things, but then don't know how to talk to the homeless. I just don't know what to talk about. Yesterday Kaeley was invited to sit at one of the tables, so I had to sit down with her. I think that was the ice-breaker for me. I look forward to next month. I think I'll be more prepared to do what is most important: to show them the love of Jesus and treat them as dignified people. Next month I'm ready! Bring it on!

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