Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Threat

I have been reading Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase out loud to Kaeley. Whenever I read a word that she doesn't understand she cocks her head to one side and repeats in the word with a look of confusion on her face.
Yesterday it was "threaten". She looked up, cocked her head to one side, and asked, "Threaten?" I explained what it meant, she said, "Oh", and we continued reading. Later Nathan was reading with us. We were reading a library book when Nathan noticed one of the pictures was of a man who had a machete by his side. He raced into his room to get his sword. He began to yell about what he would do with that sword and who he would smash and who he would fight. Kaeley brightly looked up at us and said, "That's a threaten!" Nathan yelled back, "No, that not a threaten. That a sword!"

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